Wednesday, January 23, 2008

18 things I Love about my 18 month old

Ava is 18 months so I thought that I would make a list of 18 things that I love about her.
Ava I love....
1. your beautiful RED hair.
2. your blue eyes that look at me with such love.
3. the way you say Mommy.
4. that nothing is too hard for you. Once you have set your mind to it you can do anything. Including how you can climb the refrigerator.
5. the way you want to do everything Grace wants to do.
6. all the sweet words that you repeat after you hear them.
7. how much you love your sissy.
8. how you run into my arms after you haven't seen me all day.
9. your strong will.
10. the way you laugh.
11. the way you make me laugh.
12. laying on the living room floor watching the ceiling fan light turn off and on because you know how to use the remote.
13. that you love books.
14. rocking you to sleep every night.
15. how you like to kiss the air.
16. that you LOVE shoes.
17. to help you to dress up in all of the princess clothes, shoes, and crowns. YOu have always loved to play dress up.
18. YOU!

1 comment:

beckydrake said...

she has grown so much.....I miss seeing her, and knowing her personality, we need to get becky