Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hot Dogs & Cow Teetee's

We are sitting at the dinner table eating dinner last night when Grace proceeds to ask us a question.

G: "Mommy and Daddy, Are hot dogs made out of cow teetee's?"
M&D: Trying to ask w/o laughing. "Grace why do you ask that?"
G: "Because at lunch today when I was eating my hot dog Logan said that hot dogs were made out of cow teetee's."
M&D: Although mom would love to tell her not to eat hot dogs or bologna, which Grace loves and her mom can't stand b/c of the ingredients. I decide not to tell Grace. "No Grace, hot dogs are not made out of cow teetee's."

I so wish that I could tell her that they put crap ingredients into these two foods but because I'm not prepared yet to have a vegetarian and b/c I know that sometimes she and Ava already don't want to eat chicken b/c they know that it comes from a real chicken I just couldn't make myself go there yet.

1 comment:

Nicole & Adam said...

Oh lord lady!!! Watch out!!! You're going to have a couple of hippies!! ;) I ♥ hippies!