Wednesday, September 3, 2008

"I'll Just get a job making dollars"

This was the conversation that Grace and I had this morning while fixing her hair for school. Remember that we have only gone to Kindergarten for a total of 6 days.

Grace: "Mom, I think I'll just quit Kindergarten and get me a job making dollars"
Mom: (while trying to hide my laughing) "Grace you can't get a job making dollars until you finish school. You still have to go through elementary, then to middle school, then to high school, and to college."
Grace: "I really don't need school as much as I need dollars."
Mom: "Grace there are laws that say that you have to go to school and that you are too little to have a job."
Grace: "Okay, I'll just go to school."

Here is what her little brain is thinking:
This Summer while staying with Grammy she found the Dollar Tree store. Where every item in the store only cost $1. This is the greatest thing to her. She came home saying that she wanted to do chores everyday and that she wanted to earn $1 a day. WOAH! I explained that $1 is a lot of money and that she would have to do a lot of chores to earn $1 a day. I also explained that just because you earn $1 a day doesn't mean that you get to keep the whole dollar. Some of it goes to God and some to savings. Then you get to keep the rest. And if I have to do any of your chores then I get to keep the money that chore was worth. Seemed okay to her as long as she would still have some dollars at the end of the week. Oh, to be a child again and to think that the Dollar Tree store can solve all of your problems.

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