Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Fractured Clavicle Bone

She did it! We knew that one day soon this day would come. Our sweet little Ava who thinks that she can climb anything fell off the bathroom stool two weeks ago. We were at home playing and doing things around the house. We kept telling Grace to go get something for us and she never did so we heard Ava sya "I get it" and then she ran down the hall into their bathroom and the next thing we hear is THUMP, BUMP, THUMP and then crying. Off we run to the bathroom to love and cuddle her and check for blood, bumps, or red marks. There was just one small little red mark on her face. After cuddling we went through our normal bedtime routine. She slept all night long and then in the morning when we went to pick her up under her arms she screamed. A loud hurting scream. We knew then that something wasn't right. So off to the pediatricians office we went and then to get x-rays. The doc said that she thought it was a fractured clavicle bone. The x-rays though showed that there was nothing wrong. Come to find out a fracture can take up to a month to show up on an xray. So we went home with instructions to give her motrin and keep her off her arm for two weeks. After one week we went back for a 2nd set of x-rays. This time we were checking to see if they could see the fracture and to check for a broken rib. Thank goodness we didn't have a broken rib. Then it was time to see a specialist which was a good thing because the Wednesday before we saw him a nice large lump showed up on her chest. Tuesday after Labor Day we spent 4 hours in this guys office for more x-rays and so that he could confirm that it is a fractured clavicle bone. We are suppose to go back in two more weeks to see him and to get all checked out again. It should be healed by then. The lump on her chest on the other hand can take up to 9 months to go away. WOW! We hope this is our last broken bone. Chances are though that our little superhero/monkey is going to get a few more bumps and bruises.

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