Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Pictures & Praises

Thought we should share a few pictures to end out the month of February and start the month of March. We also praise God this month. Ava was diagnosed when she was 2 1/2 months old with Vesicoureteral Reflux also known as kidney reflux. We went in for her follow up VCUG and found out that this has totally corrected itself. I think I praise the fact that she no longer has to take a nightly dose of antibiotics the most. She was at the point where she would just spit it back out on the floor. I hated giving her this medicine anyway since there is some fairly recent history with this medication. My little sister Sara took these same antibiotics and ended up in the hospital on life support with a 40% chance of survival. She had become septic from having an allergic reaction to this antibiotic.

Grace: I think the Big "5" sums it all up.

Grace completed her sticker chart for following the family rules and was rewarded with a trip to Libby Lu. She was so excited because she wanted to be Hannah Montana.

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