Friday, October 26, 2007

Candy, Candy and more Candy

Halloween is around the corner and we all survived the Fall Festival at church on Wednesday night. Grace was excited and overwhelmed at the same time. Her main concern was how much candy can I collect in my bag. Which she THINKS she is gong to get to consume all of it. Boy is she in for a heartbreak. Ava noticed the DumDum Lollipops and that was all that she cared about after that. Thank you to Grandma for indulging her and teaching her at a very early age what those are even though she shouldn't eat candy.

On the way to our car we stopped to drop off our Bloomers for Bulgaria and this lady was looking at Grace and then back at me and I couldn't figure out why she was looking so oddly at me. Then I realized that in the 50 degree temperatures Grace had taken off her shoes to get into the bounce house and didn't put them back on. Needless to say she walked to the car with barefeet in the cold temperatures and never once cared. Only Grace!

Grace decided to be Minnie Mouse and that Ava also needed to be Minnie Mouse. We have Minnie Mouse and Teeny Tiny Minnie Mouse (as Janice calls them).

Ava has started walking full time now and thinks that she can also run which causes her to slide into Home plate as we call it. Home plate tends to be walls, furniture, and sometimes us.

Ashley is starting to get around much better after his back surgery. He is getting around a little bit more each day.

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