Saturday, July 12, 2008

Eating His Words

For those of you who do not know I grew up in a home with 2 sisters. I was the middle daughter so my dad was well out numbered. When we were little our dad would let us put make-up on him, paint his finger and toenails, fix his hair. What a great dad! When he had enough he would say so and we would take it all back off.

My parents were very active with the GA's (Girls in Action) group at our church and when the GA's had their annual lock-in in the church gym there had to be a man present for safety reasons. My dad pretty much became the GA dad. At the annual GA lock-in the girls would always have a beauty pageant. They would get all dolled up in their make up and dress up clothes and walk the runway. Every girl received a sash that gave them some kind of title. My dad would also let the girls get him all made up and he would walk the runway with them. The girls always thought this was the absolute funniest and best thing ever. It obviously was rare for dads to let their daughters do this. The girls and their dads would even say so.

Fast forward to 1999 when I met Ashley and his family. Ashley only has a brother so their mom was the only girl in that house. Somehow the subject came up about dad's and their daughters and we were talking about how my dad let us play beauty shop and he was the client. Ashley and his dad said they wouldn't let their daughter/granddaughters do this to them. I told them that one day they would eat their words. Boy was I right.

Now fast forward 9 more years to Ashley who is now a dad to 2 girls. He also is outnumbered.

First, I want you to see this great sprite commercial. It brings back lots of memories of playing beauty shop with my dad as a little girl. I know that my sisters feel the same way. What a GREAT dad!

Now I want you to see the pictures of Grace playing beauty shop with Ashley. She has yet to get out the make-up and jewelry but that isn't far behind. She is cutting his hair with a plastic play cell phone and she even gave him a pretend smock with a towel.

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